J Chininga (Chairman)
Mr Jemister Chininga is a holder of a B. Sc. in Business Administration from the United States International University, San Diego, California. He is currently a business strategy consultant, a commercial farmer and miner. Jemister has vast technical knowledge and management experience spanning across both the private and public sectors of the economy and across borders and across industries. Mr Chininga’s career has seen him holding the position of Deputy Secretary (Finance and Administration) in the then Ministry of Industry and International Trade while still in the Public Service and was also Chairman of the Zimbabwe Government Tender Board (now Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe). He is a former MD of Ramotswa Steel and Iron Company and Tswana Steel and Iron Company. He has also served as MD of other ZISCO subsidiaries in Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. He was a Non-Executive Director of Hwange Colliery Company Limited from August 2011 and acted as the MD of Hwange Colliery Company Limited for the period 1 August 2013 to 31 May 2014. He served as Chairman of the Hwange Colliery Company Board of Directors from October 2015 to May 2016. He has previously held directorships in Olivine HOLDINGS, Centre for Innovation and Enterprise Development (CIED), Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Commission (ZISCOM), Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ), Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (MMCZ), Zimbabwe Defense Industries (ZDI), Zimchem Refiners (Private) Limited and Sandawana Mines (Private) Limited, a subsidiary of Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC).